Birthday review

This birthday may have been the worst yet.

For various reasons I am driving very minimally currently. Fiona’s absolute best friend also shares my birthday and her dad took she and Caroline. Meanwhile I was at home eating beef stew and mashed potatoes when I would have much rather been at the party. All the while as we waited for the girls dad to arrive all I heard is, “this is cutting into MY drinking time. When is he going to be here?!”

👆👆but the reality is my alleged boyfriend wanted to go to the bar for my birthday and needed someone to drive. Note the I don’t really want to be here smile in the photo he took then posted on social media.

Meanwhile never saying he loves me. Never thinking to get me a gift beside taking me to the bar. Meanwhile without coming out and saying it…when will your kids all be gone so I can use you?

Today I spent most of my morning bicycling around looking at abandoned buildings and finding out who owns them on the property appraisers page so that I am able to contact them. I went so far as to find out who owns even large sheds that can be potentially rented. It’s really to that point. I will live in a shed if it has running water.

I just want out.
